Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Maps #32: Current Events

1. I went through the list of: 100 Things to do with Google Maps. I enjoyed it. So I thought of this question: I need to map the top 10 world skyscrapers because I plan to visit all of them. I also want to make sure I am able to find a public toilet at each site. To map the top 10 skyscrapers: http://srvgmaps.googlepages.com/TallestSkyscrapers.html
To find a bathroom: http://safe2pee.org/beta/

2. I explored Global Incident Map, Terra Server and National Atlas. I found Terra Server confusing to use and pointless. National Atlas was interesting. I saw the Continental Divide at this site. The Global Incident Map was interesting. I found the fact that you can track Amber Alerts interesting and probably very helpful to law enforcement groups. I did a search on terrorist attacks in Israel. Here is the link: http://globalincidentmap.com/home.php#searchlist (hope it works--I am never sure about this)

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