Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Spring Cleaning #28: Don’t Clutter Up Expensive Cyberspace

I read the article on GTD. I then examined the Google Calendar and Ta-da. I was not impressed with Google or Ta-da. I had an organizational system using a PDA. When the batteries died I had a certain amount of time to replace them or I would loose everything in the PDA. I lost everything twice. The first time I lost everything I was able to hot sync with my computer. The computer later crashed and we lost the ability to hot sync. Then I lost my information a second time. If I wanted to put in all the telephone numbers and information on people I had to type everything back in. I said forget it. I had been organized with a paper calendar before and went back to using a paper calendar. I still use a paper calendar. This calendar works best for me. I write everything down in it including to do lists, goals etc. I do not want to put appointments on line. I am use to looking at my paper calendar. This is like the middle ages but it works for me.

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