Friday, August 8, 2008

Wellness #39: Nutrition

1. I registered at That was amazingly straightforword and simple. I liked the pantry feature. I clicked on the low fat diet and saw a list of foods that I should include in my pantry. When I tried to click on how many calories I should be consuming daily I could not get the window to accept my statistics for this to be calculated out. I found that frustrating. I liked the feature on organic foods. What I did not know was the amount of residual pesticides are still present in the foods that I like to eat, for example peaches and apples. My family eats peaches and apples and we do not buy organic. That was an eye opener!

2. I went to I had to register. I added a recipe for egg salad. There were other recipes for egg salad also. I tried adding different ingredients but it did not change the calories significantly. The other recipes for egg salad looked terrible. They used sour cream in addition to salad dressing ugh! Here is my info.egg salad Recipe


Fourdogmom said...

I try to do organic but it is a little more expensive. My dogs don't care one way or the other but I try to buy only organic for them. Then they go outside and eat really organic stuff off the ground. Sigh.

whitelabradors said...

My dogs enjoy organic off the ground, too. If it was once alive and now it is dead they leave it alone and wait for me to go out in the backyard. Then they show it to me. Yuk!