Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Games and Gaming #38: Console Gaming

1. I visited the nostalgic game site. I did not play these games when I was younger and I would not play them now. I have no gaming skills. I could not figure it out when I was younger and I still am unable to figure them out.

2. I think Pac Man, Baby Pac Man and Ms Pac Man would be fun in the library. Tournaments could be formed. Books on Pac Man etc. could be on display. I do not have any experience with these games. I could see getting hooked on them and not learning anything in the process. I think people would come to the library initially for the games. Once they see what else the library has to offer, then I think they will come to the library for games plus other things.


Beth Gallaway said...

Can you please link to the nostalgic games site? Thank you! Also, what course are you taking with gaming assignments?

whitelabradors said...

This is not a college course. I am earning training hours where I work -- a public library -- and we are learning about and gaining skills through Library 2.0.