Monday, September 29, 2008

A Consumer's How To #44: How To & Make

1. I explored eHow, WikkiHow, HowStuffWorks, Instructables and Videojug. I liked eHow, WikkiHow and HowStuffWorks. They were easy to use. The articles were very easy to understand. I did not like Instructables because there was really nothing there that interested me. However, for people who enjoy arts and crafts etc. it is a very useful site. Videojug works well for people who need to see and hear how to do something. I tend to read how to do something and find the video thing irritating.

2. Here is my link:
I looked up ear infections in dogs at eHow and came upon this information. I thought it was enlightening and sent this link to my husband. I have a dog with an ear infection that will not go away. My last resort is to go to a specialist veterinarian. Maybe we should try this first??

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